Saturday 12 October 2019

Satellite communication questions

1. Which of the following is the first active satellite?
A. Echo
B. Telstar
C. Early Bird
(Answer)D. Sputnik I
2. Which of the following is the first commercial satellite?
A. Early Bird
(Answer)B. Telstar
C. Explorer
D. Courier
3. What is the first passive satellite transponder?
A. Sun
(Answer)B. Early Bird
C. Score
D. Moon
4. The first satellite to receive and transmit simultaneously
A. Intelsat
B. Agila
C. Syncorn
(Answer)D. Telstar I
5. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of
(Answer)A. circular polarization
B. maneuverability
C. beamwidth
D. gain
6. Repeaters inside communications satellites are known as
A. Trancievers
(Answer)B. Transponders
C. Transducers
7. Considered as the unsolved problem in satellite system
A. Coverage
B. Cost
C. Access(Answer)
D. Privacy
8. ___________ is a satellite that rotates around the earth in a low-altitude elliptical or circular pattern.
A. Geosynchronous satellite
(Answer)B. Non synchronous satellite
C. Pro grade satellite
D. Retrograde satellite
9. Is the geographical representation of a satellite antenna radiation pattern
(Answer)A. Footprint
B. Spot
C. Earth
D. Region
10. The smallest beam of a satellite antenna radiation pattern
A. Zone beam
B. Hemispheric beam
(Answer)C. Spot beam
D. Global beam
11. A satellite beam that covers almost 42.4% of the earths surface.
A. Zone beam
B. Hemispheric beam
C. Spot beam
(Answer)D. Global beam
12. What is the frequency range of C-band?
A. 8.5 to 12.5 GHz
(Answer)B. 3.4 to 6.425 GHz
C. 12.95 to 14.95 GHz
D. 27.5 to 31 GHz
13. A satellite signal transmitted from a satellite transponder to earth’s station.
A. Uplink
(Answer)B. Downlink
C. Terrestrial
D. Earthbound
14. Collects very weak signals from a broadcast satellite
A. Helical antenna
(Answer)B. Satellite dish
15. What is a device that detects both vertically and horizontally polarized signals simultaneously?
(Answer)A. Orthomode transducer
B. Crystal detector
C. Optoisolator
D. Isomode detector
16. _________ detects the satellite signal relayed from the feed and converts it to an electric current, amplifies and lower its frequency.
A. Horn antenna
(Answer)B. LNA
C. Satellite receiver
D. Satellite dish
17. Is a loss of power of a satellite downlink signal due to earth’s atmosphere.
A. Atmospheric loss
(Answer)B. Path loss
C. Radiation loss
18. What height must a satellite be placed above the surface of the earth in order for its rotation to be equal to earth’s rotation?
A. 26,426.4 miles
B. 27,426.4 miles
C. 23,426.4 miles
(Answer)D. 22,426.4 miles
19. Point on the satellite obits closest to the earth.
A. Apogee
(Answer)B. Perigee
C. Prograde
D. Zenith
20. The earth area covered by a satellite radio beam.
A. Beamwidth
B. Bandwidth
(Answer)C. Footprint
D. Zone
21. What is the local oscillator (mixer) frequency of the satellite with an uplink frequency in GHz band?
A. 3500 MHz
B. 4500 MHz
(Answer)C. 2225 MHz
D. 2555 MHz
22. What kind of battery panels are used in some advance satellites
A. Germanium based panels
B. Silicon based panel
C. Galium Phosphate solar panel array
(Answer)D. Galium Arsenide solar panel array
23. Satellite engine uses
A. jet propulsion
(Answer)B. ion propulsion system
C. liquid fuel
D. solar jet
24. A satellite batter has more power but lighter.
(Answer)A. Lithium
B. Leclanche
C. Hydrogen
D. Magnesium
25. What kind of battery used by older satellites?
A. Lithium
B. Leclanche
(Answer)C. Hydrogen
D. Magnesium
<h3><em>SATELLITE COMMUNICATION Questions and Answers pdf ::</em></h3>
26. VSAT was made available in
(Answer)A. 1979
B. 1981
C. 1983
D. 1977
27. What band does VSAT first operate?
A. L-band
B. X-band
(Answer)C. C-band
D. Ku-band
28. The first Philippine Mabuhay satellite has how many channels?
(Answer)A. 30
B. 24
C. 48
D. 50
29. The first Philippine Agila I will have how many transponders.
(Answer)A. 36
B. 48
C. 24
D. 12
30. How may satellite orbital slots are requested by the Philippine Government from ITU?
A. 2
B. 4
(Answer)C. 6
D. 8
31. The location of AsiaSat I.
(Answer)A. 105.5˚ East
B. 151.5˚ East
C. 115.5˚ East
D. 170.5˚ East
32. AsiaSat I covers how many countries in Asia?
(Answer)A. 38
B. 10
C. 28
D. 15
33. The owner of AsiaSat 2 is
A. Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company (ASTC)
B. Japan Satellite System (JSAT)
(Answer)C. China Great Wall Industry Corporation
D. Singapore Satellite Commision
34. What is the approximate path loss from satellite-to-earth station?
A. 100 dB
B. 150 dB
C. 175 dB
(Answer)D. 200 dB
35. INTELSAT stands for
A. Intel Satellite
B. International Telephone Satellite
(Answer)C. International Telecommunications Satellite
D. International Satellite
36. The frequency of Ku band for satellite communications.
A. 6/4 GHz
(Answer)B. 14/11 GHz
C. 12/14 GHz
D. 4/8 GHz
37. A satellite cross-link means
A. Earth-to-satellite link
B. Satellite-to-earth link
(Answer)C. Satellite-to-satellite link
D. None of these
38. Earth station uses what type of antenna
A. Despun antenna
B. Helical antenna
C. Toroidal antenna
(Answer)D. Cassegrain antenna
39. What is the delay time for satellite transmission from earth transmitter to earth receiver?
(Answer)A. 0.5 s
B. 1.0 s
C. 5 ms
D. 0.25 ms
40. The bandwidth of C-band satellite frequency band in U.S.
A. 500 GHz
B. 1000 GHz
C. 1000 MHz
(Answer)D. 500 MHz
41. The most common device used as an LNA is
A. zener diode
(Answer)B. tunnel diode
D. Shockley diode
42. The radiation patterns of earth coverage antennas have a beamwidth of approximately
A. 21˚
B. 5˚
(Answer)C. 17˚
D. 35˚
43. A mobile satellite array has usually how many elements?
A. 6
B. 88
C. 12
(Answer)D. 14
44. In a typical mobile satellite array antenna if three elements are activated, how many elements are deactivated?
A. 3
(Answer)B. 11
C. 5
D. 9
45. What circuit is responsible in activating and deactivating adjacent antenna elements in a mobile satellite array?
(Answer)A. Radial divider
B. Divider/combiner
C. Radial combiner
D. Radial multiplexer
46. Most mobile satellite array uses ___________ in transforming 50 to 150 Ω impedance.
A. stub
B. balun
(Answer)C. quarter-wavelength transformer
D. microstrip tapers.
47. The switching from one element to the other element in a typical mobile satellite array.
A. Series
B. Radial
C. Matrix
(Answer)D. Shunt
48. A method of multiple accessing where a given RF channel bandwidth is divided inot smaller frequency band.
(Answer)D. FDMA
49. What is the delay time for satellite transmissions from earth transmitter to earth receiver?
(Answer)A. 0.5 s
B. 1s
C. 5 ms
D. 0.25 s
50. As the height of a satellite orbit gets lower, the speed of the satellite _________.
(Answer)A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains the same
D. None of the above
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