Friday 24 June 2016

Cameron to Quit as UK Votes to leave EU

Joint statement by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, European Council President Donald Tusk, European Parliament President Martin Schulz, and Dutch PM Mark Rutte

"We now expect the United Kingdom government to give effect to this decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful that process may be. Any delay would unnecessarily prolong uncertainty.
"We hope to have the UK as a close partner of the EU also in the future."

Joe Biden, US Vice President

"We would have preferred a different outcome."

Geert Wilders, Dutch Freedom Party leader

"Hurrah for the British! Now it is our turn. Time for a Dutch referendum!"
Geert Wilders tweetImage copyrightTWITTER

Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right Front National in France

"Victory for freedom! The British people have given to Europeans and to all the people of the world a shining lesson in democracy.
"As I have been asking for years, now we need to have the same referendum in France and in the countries of the EU."

Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

"We take note of the British people's decision with regret. There is no doubt that this is a blow to Europe and to the European unification process."
Ms Merkel said that because of its history, Germany has "a particular interest and a particular responsibility" to make European unity a success.

The Irish government

"This result clearly has very significant implications for Ireland, as well as for Britain and for the European Union."

Manuel Valls, French Prime Minister

"It's an explosive shock. At stake is the break-up pure and simple of the union.
"Now is the time to invent another Europe."

Dmitry Peskov, spokesperson for the Russian president

"Moscow wants the EU to remain a major economic power which is prosperous, stable and predictable.
"We have a pretty heavy burden of uneasy ties with Great Britain. We hope that in the new realities, an understanding of the need for good relations with our country will prevail."

Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine

"It's a pity, but we will have to mind our own business.
"I think that today the most urgent challenge the European Union is facing is finding a way to the hearts and minds of Eurosceptics in order not to leave a single chance to opponents of the European integration project and their generous sponsors. I do hope that the sanctions again Russia as an aggressor state will be extended."

Jens Stoltenberg, Nato Secretary General

"The UK will remain a strong and committed Nato ally, and will continue to play its leading role in our alliance.
"Today, as we face more instability and uncertainty, Nato is more important than ever as a platform for co-operation among European allies, and between Europe and North America. A strong, united and determined Nato remains an essential pillar of stability in a turbulent world, and a key contributor to international peace and security.
"The alliance remains committed to closer cooperation with the European Union."

Gianni Pittella, leader of the Socialist group in the European Parliament

"This is a sad day for us, but we will respect the will of the British people. This is not a funeral for Europe. This can be a new start for Europe, and we will regain the confidence of the citizens."

Manfred Weber, leader of the largest group in the European Parliament, the EPP

"Exit negotiations should be concluded within 2 years at max. There cannot be any special treatment. Leave means leave."
Manfred Weber tweetImage copyrightTWITTER

Stefan Lofven, Prime Minister of Sweden

"The debate and campaigning in the run-up to the referendum should serve as a wake-up call for Europe. They elicited stark polarisation and disturbing nationalism. This shows that EU cooperation must be developed and improved."

Sebastian Kurz, Austrian Foreign Minister

"A domino effect on other countries cannot be ruled out."
He told Austrian radio that the EU as a whole would survive.

Mariano Rajoy, Prime Minister of Spain

"Spain will remain committed to the EU. The EU is the area of greatest prosperity and wellbeing; we will continue building a better future between us.
"We need stability. Above all we will continue defending Spaniards' interests and greater European integration.
"Spain now has a solid economic base in order to weather the financial turbulence which Brexit could cause. We are prepared."

Donald Trump, US Republican Party presumptive nominee

"I wish everybody a lot of luck. It's historic."
The presidential hopeful is visiting a golf resort he owns in Scotland today. He said it is a "great thing" that the people of the UK have "taken back their country".

Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece

"Brexit will be either a wake-up call or the beginning of a dangerous path for European people.
"We respect the decision of British people, which confirms the deep political and identity crisis of the EU.
"The extreme choices of austerity that widened the inequality between countries of the north and south, fences and closed borders and the denial to share the burden of the debt and migrant crises had signalled an extended crisis in Europe."

Robert Fico, Prime Minister of Slovakia

"Let's realise that a great part of people living in Europe reject the EU's migration policy, there is great dissatisfaction with the EU's economic policy.
"It is up to us, the remaining 27 union member states, whether we find enough strength to say that fundamental policies of the EU must go through fundamental changes."
Slovakia will take on the six-month presidency of the EU from next month.

Bohuslav Sobotka, Czech Prime Minister

"Britain's decision is serious and irreversible.
"The EU has to change. Not because Britain left, but because the European project needs much stronger support from citizens.
"The EU is for us, the Czech Republic, the best possible guarantee of stability, peace and prosperity."

Andrzej Duda, President of Poland

"One must do everything to prevent other countries from leaving."

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal

"We have to serenely respect the decision of the majority of the British people, in the certainty that the European project remains valid to defend the values that mark our common identity."

Viktor Oban, Prime Minister of Hungary

"We believe in a strong Europe, but Europe is strong only if it can give solutions which make it stronger, to significant problems like migration."

Taavi Roivas, Prime Minister of Estonia

"Deeply sad for the EU referendum result. We will go on and stay strong with 27, but EU will not be the same without Great Britain"

Timo Soini, leader of the eurosceptic Finns Party in Finland

"The nation has had its say."
Speaking of the negotiations that must come between the UK and the EU following this vote, he said: "Any retaliation and whinge is out of the question."

Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania

"Romania will negotiate so that its interest is protected and the interest of our citizens who live and work in Great Britain is protected."

Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan

"We are very concerned over the risks to the global economy, and financial and exchange markets."

Hua Chunying, Spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry

"A prosperous Europe is in the interests of all parties and China is willing to keep co-operating with Britain and is fully confident in China-EU ties."

Arun Jaitley, Indian Finance Minister

"In this globalized world, volatility and uncertainty are the new norms. This verdict will obviously further contribute to such volatility not least because its full implications for the UK, Europe and the rest of the world are still uncertain.
"All countries around the world will have to brace themselves for a period of possible turbulence while being watchful about, and alert to, the referendum's medium term impacts."

Najib Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia

"There will be testing times ahead for the UK. But the British people should know that one old friend will always be with them, as they open a new chapter in their long history."

Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore

"Other developed countries also face similar challenges as Britain. We all live in a globalised, interdependent world. The desire to disengage, to be less constrained by one's partners, to be free to do things entirely as one chooses, is entirely understandable. And yet in reality for many countries, disengaging and turning inwards will likely lead to less security, less prosperity, and a dimmer future.
"Singapore will continue to cultivate our ties with Britain, which is a long standing friend and partner."

Malcolm Turnbull, Australian Prime Minister

"The impact on Australia immediately, directly, from a legal point of view, will be very limited because it will take some years for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, to negotiate an exit. However, we've seen already large falls on stock markets and there will be a degree of uncertainty for some time."

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