Friday, 15 May 2020

NPTEL NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) Assignment 10

Assignment 10

Quiz 10
1 point
Simulation tools can be used with
1 point
One of the key aspects of metacognition is that it is
1 point
Knowledge of one’s own strengths and weaknesses as a learner is part of metacognitive control.
The above statement is
1 point
Challenges faced by most of the self-financing and non-autonomous institutions include
1 point
In general, emotions have no influence on learning.
The above statement is
1 point
Criterion 1 on “Vision, Mission, and PEOs” includes the evaluation of the quality of
1 point
Mission of the department
1 point
“Process” in the context of SAR implies that the department must have
1 point
PEOs must be correlated to the
1 point
With reference to any one distinct element of a mission statement and one specific PEO, which of the following is true?

NPTEL NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) Assignment 9

Assignment 9

Quiz 9
1 point
Direct Instruction is generally considered to be
1 point
Which phase in the instruction unit based on Merrill’s model implements Merrill’s principles of “Information” and “Portrayal”?
1 point
“Review” is part of _____ phase of Transaction Model of Direct Instruction.
1 point
Probe and Respond of the Presentation phase of the Transaction Model of Direct Instruction consists of
1 point
In the Project based approach, students are expected to work on problems which
1 point
A project based approach to instruction gives importance to students acquiring and demonstrating
1 point
Project Management Principles are considered very important knowledge and skills to be acquired and demonstrated by students in
1 point
Questions that arise during design thinking are exploratory in nature, and their basic objectives are to get
1 point
In the context of the two types of thinking called Convergent thinking and Divergent thinking, which of the following holds?
1 point
Design choices are

NPTEL NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) Assignment 8

Assignment 8

Quiz 8
1 point
Learning requires active manipulation of the material to be learned and cannot occur passively. This is the principal tenet of
1 point
“Learning Goals” are part of
1 point
Course Contents is part of
1 point
Students learn better when
1 point
Neuroplasticity means
1 point
The most important role in responding to emotions, particularly fear, is played by
1 point
In the information processing model of the brain
1 point
The part of the brain that plays the role of executive control center is
1 point
With reference to notes made by the students and notes provided by the instructor, which of the following holds most often?
1 point
Learning from a task-centered instructional strategy is enhanced when learners undertake whole tasks