Friday, 15 May 2020

NPTEL NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) Assignment 3

Assignment 3

Quiz 3
1 point
To what cognitive level does the activity “Derive an expression for energy stored in inductor” belong to?
1 point
Metacognitive ability affects two of the following
1 point
Alignment in education is defined using taxonomy table as with all three elements of a science course being
1 point
Two of the following are non-cognitive factors
1 point
Feelings, values, appreciation, motivation, and attitude pertains to
1 point
What are the relationships among the three domains of learning in higher education programs?
1 point
Identify two sub-processes of “Understand” from the following
1 point
“Changing from one representation to another” is the following sub-process of “Understand”
1 point
Identify the action verbs that represent the activities of cognitive process “Understand”.
1 point
Solving a problem that has features which have not been encountered in that form earlier belongs to the sub-process of Apply known as _____.
1 point
“Determining a point of view, bias, values, or intent underlying presented material” is a sub-process known as “Attribute” of the cognitive process
Action verbs “select, discriminate, distinguish, differentiate, focus on and point out” belong to the _______ cognitive process
1 point
1 point
Activity of checking if the given requirements are consistent belong to cognitive process
1 point
Critical thinking involves
1 point
To what category of knowledge does the statement “The SMPS output should have an output regulation of 0.5%” belong to?

NPTEL NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) Assignment 2

Assignment 2

Quiz 2
1 point
Why is it necessary to identify Program Educational Objectives of a BE program?
1 point
PEO statements should correlate with
1 point
Why are POs common to all engineering programs?
1 point
Complex engineering problems are characterized by two of the following features
1 point
PO2 is “Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences”.From the following which two of the key components of PO2 are not addressed by the core courses of engineering programs?
1 point
PO6 is “Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice”.
PO6 can be effectively addressed through two of the following activities.
0 points
PO8 is “Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities, and norms of the engineering practice”.
PO8 can be effectively addressed through two of the following activities:
0 points
PO11 is “Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.”
PO11 can be effectively addressed through two of the following activities:
1 point
Identify two of the following statements which are not PSOs
1 point
The domains of learning as per revised Bloom taxonomy consist of