

Sunday, 5 June 2022

50th World Environment Day 2022 observed on 5th June

05 June 2022

50th World Environment Day 2022 observed on 5th June

World Environment Day is observed globally on 5th June every year. This day is observed to raise awareness about protecting the environment and to remind people not to take nature granted. It is the biggest international day for the environment. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the nodal agency that organises and supports events across the world.

What is the theme of World Environment Day 2022?

The year 2022 marks the 50th WED. Sweden is the host this year and the theme is ‘Only One Earth,’ focusing on the need to live sustainably in harmony with nature. Only One Earth was the motto for the 1972 Stockholm Conference; 50 years on, the motto holds true – this planet is our only home, whose finite resources humanity must safeguard.

Significance of the World Environment Day 2022:

World Environment Day has been a platform for raising awareness on environmental issues such as marine pollution, overpopulation, global warming, sustainable consumption and wildlife crime. The day aims to focus on the importance of the environment and to remind people that nature should not be taken for granted.

History of the World Environment Day 2022:

The idea of WED can be traced back to a warm June in Stockholm, Sweden, 50 years ago. That’s when the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment took place. Widely regarded as the first global environment summit, it was here that the idea of a World Environment Day was formalized, with the first one held in 1973. Since then, the annual event, which falls on June 5, has helped both celebrate the planet and put a spotlight on the perils it is facing.

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