

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Logic gates Viva questions

1.      What is the binary number system?
The system which has a base 2 is known as the binary system and it consists of only two digits 0 and 1.

2.      Define Digital System?
Digital systems are the system that processes a discrete or digital signal.

3.      What is meant by a bit?
Bits are the binary digits like 0 and 1.

4.      What is the best Example of Digital system?
Digital Computer.

5.      How many types of number system are there?
There are four types of number system:
Decimal Number System.
Binary Number System.
Octal Number System.
Hexadecimal Number System.

6.      What is a Logic gate?
The basic gates that make up the digital system are called a logic gate. The circuit that can operate on many binary inputs to perform a particular logic function is called an electronic circuit.

7.      What are the basic Logic gates?
There are three basic logic gates-
AND gate.
OR gate.
NOT gate.

8.      Which gates are called as Universal gate and what are its advantages?
The Universal gates are NAND and NOR. The advantages of these gates are that they can be used for any logic calculation.

9.      What are the applications of the octal number system?
The applications of the octal number system are as follows:
For the efficient use of microprocessors.
For the efficient use of digital circuits.
It is used to enter binary data and display of information.

10.  What is meant by K-Map or Karnaugh Map?
K-Map is a pictorial representation of truth table in which the map is made up of cells, and each term in this represents the min term or max term of the function. By this method, we can directly minimize the Boolean function without following various steps.

11.  Name the two forms of Boolean expression?
The two forms of Boolean expression are:
Sum of products (SOP) form.
The Product of sum (POS) form.

12.  What are Minterm and Maxterm?
A minterm is called Product of sum because they are the logical AND of the set of variables and Maxterm are called sum of product because they are the logical OR of the set of variables.

13.  What are the limitations of the Karnaugh Map?
1.      The limitations of Karnaugh Map are as follows:
2.      It is limited to six variable maps which means more than six variable involving expressions are not reduced.
3.      These are useful for only simplifying Boolean expression which is represented I standard form.

14.  Given Only Two Xor Gates One Must Function As Buffer And Another As Inverter?
Answer :
Tie one of xor gates input to 1 it will act as inverter.
Tie one of xor gates input to 0 it will act as buffer.

15.  Give Two Ways Of Converting A Two Input Nand Gate To An Inverter?
           Answer :
a)      Short the 2 inputs of the nand gate and apply the single input to it.
b) Connect the output to one of the input and the other to the input signal.

16.  Why did hexadecimal number system call as an alphanumeric number system?
The hexadecimal number system is called as alphanumeric number system as hexadecimal number system has a base as 16, so it requires 16 unique symbols to represent the hexadecimal number. These are numbers from 0-9 and alphabets from A to F. As both numbers and alphabets both are used to represent numbers in hexadecimal number system it is called as an alphanumeric number system.

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