

Monday, 1 July 2019

Frequency Ranges

Have you ever wondered how your television and mobile phone can work at the same time? Both receive signals via antenna in the form of electromagnetic waves but don't interfere with each other. The reason is that all wireless devices operate in their own frequency bands within which they transmit and receive signals. For example, television broadcast operates between 54-216 MHz, FM radio operates between 87.5-108 MHz and cell phones operate either between 824-894 MHz or 1850-1990 MHz.

Frequency Band NameFrequency RangeApplication
Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)3-30 HzUnderwater Communication
Super Low Frequency (SLF)30-300 HzAC Power
Very Low Frequency (VLF)3-30 kHzFor Navigation Alarms
Low Frequency (LF)30-300 kHzAM Radio
Medium Frequency (MF)300-3000 kHzAviation
High Frequency (HF)3-30 MHzShortwave Radio
Very High Frequency (VHF)30-300 MHzFM Radio
Ultra High Frequency (UHF)300-3000 MHzTelevision, mobile phones, GPS
Super High Frequency (SHF)3-30 GHzSatellite, Wireless Communication
Extremely High Frequency (EHF)30-300 GHzRemote Sensing, Astronomy

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