

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

He Was Laughing Fanatically', Recalls One Survivor Who Was Shot 4 Times By The Orlando Shooter

Norman Casiano, 26, was the only survivor who found his way back to safety while being held hostage in the club's bathroom in Orlando. Out of the thirty people the shooter gunned down, Casiano was definitely the luckiest to have survived.
Norman Casiano
Casiano was shot four times by Omar Mateen but managed to crawl over his friends' bodies to safety, reports Daily Mail. Casiano, who was released from the hospital a day later, has recalled how Mateen behaved while killing the innocents.
Omar Mateen
Upon hearing the first two gunshots, Casiano had crawled into the bathroom where others had hid to avoid the fire. 
Casiano told Local 10 News, "I started crying and at that point a gentleman stumbles into the bathroom, collapses in front of the stall door and he's bleeding everywhere and he's begging to come inside the stall." The man couldn't fit through and was soon shot down by Mateen.
Orlando shooting
"The scary part was that he didn't say anything, and what's scarier than that when he shot the boy that was already shot, he laughed. And as he's laughing as he fires through the whole front of the stall. That's when I got my first wound," Casiano added.
Mateen killed nearly 30 people in that bathroom. 
"He was laughing fanatically as he sprayed people with the gun," Casiano told her. "He was going "ha, ha, ha" as he shot them," Casiano said. 
Orlando shooting
Casiano crawled his way out through the same hole which Mateen used later, to meet his certain death. "I'm not the shooter, I'm a victim, I'm a victim," Casiano had shouted to the armed police waiting on the other end of the hole.

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